Passing the Baton

St Peter’s attenders of all ages enjoyed 24 hours of being together in different ways from 2.00pm on Saturday 15th to 2.00pm on Sunday 16th March. We started by worshipping together; the children then enjoyed outdoor activities while the young people and adults were invited to reflect on and discuss aspects of Passing the Baton. What brought them to St Peter’s - what baton did they receive? What spiritual gifts might they identify and develop in themselves now - what is their baton currently? What visions for St Peter’s future might they work for - what baton do they want to hand on? This session was followed by 90 minutes of fun activities before a Bring and Share Supper, a Treasure Hunt Quiz game, Open Mic entertainment and Compline. Sunday featured Cafe Communion and a delicious catered lunch. Much was enjoyed. Much will be reflected on to inform and develop our future mission and ministry.


Belief in Poetry Group